Reflection on Lk 11:47-54 – THE KEY OF KNOWLEDGE
October 15, 2020

In Jesus’ time, tombs were usually dug in the rock at the sides of hills or cliffs. To build them therefore was to decorate or ornament the entrance. Though their act in building the sepulchers was a seeming honor to the prophets, Jesus condemns it for the prophet to be truly honored is when his message is accepted and obeyed. “Woe to you! For you build the tombs of the prophets whom your fathers killed. So, you are witnesses and you consent to the deeds of your fathers for they killed them and you build their tombs".  

On the other hand, the lawyers were not in fellowship with the prophets, but with those who murdered the prophets. Hence, Jesus considers the whole matter from the murder of the prophets to the building of their sepulchers as "one-act" in which all agreed, and all of which were guilty.

Truly, Jesus approves to the decree of the Father by calling it the “Wisdom of God", Therefore also the Wisdom of God said,  ‘I will send them prophets and apostles,  some of who they will kill and persecute, so that the blood of all the prophets, shed from the foundation of the world, maybe charged against this generation

In the passage, “ From the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah.  It shall be required of this generation. “the murder of Abel, who is accounted a prophet because his form of sacrifice prefigured that of Christ and that of Zechariah, were charged to this generation who approved all the sins of the past and went beyond them to the crucifixion of the Son of God. God made that generation the focus of the world's light and privilege, but the men of that time made it the focus of the world's wickedness and punishment. The punishment began about thirty-seven years later in the war with Rome, which lasted five years and culminated in the destruction of Jerusalem.
Jesus also chastises the lawyers, “Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter yourselves, and you hindered those who were entering.” True knowledge of the Scripture was a key that opened the door to the glories of Christ and his kingdom. This the lawyer wasted by teaching not the contents of the book, but the rubbish and trifles of tradition. They did not open the door for themselves, and by their pretentious interference, they confused others in their efforts to open it. The Scribes and lawyers are the official interpreters of the scriptures but their interpretations were so distorted and difficult to understand by the simple people.

Finally, Jesus is the "key of David" (see Isaiah 22:22; Rev. 3:7) who opens heaven to those who accept him as Lord and Savior. He is the "Wisdom of God" and the source of everlasting life.  Only the humble of heart — those who submit to God and acknowledge their dependence on him -- can receive this wisdom.  God is ever ready to speak his word to us and to give us wisdom and understanding.  (Gospel of Luke: A Commentary & Meditation)

Today is also the Memorial of St. Theresa of Jesus popularly known as Theresa of Avila, a mystic and the first female doctor of the Church. There are 6 ways we could imitate her striving for wholeness or holiness viz: 1. Have a sense of humor – with others, and even with God, 2. Respect the power of friendship, 3. Foster a Love of Books (To Nourish Both the Mind and the Soul), 4. Use concrete images to explain deep things, 5. Adopt a no-nonsense approach to holiness and  6. Seek God in the ordinary and the daily. (Catholic Company)

Questions to Ponder

Do I hunger for the wisdom which comes from above?
How do I listen and heed the modern-day prophets who speak the “WISDOM OF GOD?

Source: Bible Commentary by McGarvey & Pendleton

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